I'll run away with your footsteps, I'll build a city that dreams for two And if you lose yourself I will find you..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Testing the waters..

First week at a new school, its July the 4th week of the semester. Being a late enrollee has its pros and cons. Well I get to be the cool guy who walks in class late and gets to be excused from the past work he missed. People just can’t get enough of the typical boy-next-door look and can’t help but introduce themselves. Though after a while the special attention subsides, just like a honeymoon phase. Downside, people already know each other and I have to go out of my way just to learn the ropes of my new school.

This week was all about getting to know my block mates; I hung out and befriended the many personalities that consists my block section. There’s the typical party crowd, boozing and happy go lucky kids. Then the geeks, hard working kids that study every lecture down to each syllable. And so on… the universal status quo.