Scorpio - 
You have a guard around your heart
that was erected long ago, and it's
holding up pretty well. However, a
certain charming someone will find
an opening and slide right in.
I was always intrigued by astrology. Every time I read mine on the newspaper or over the net, the prediction in a peculiar way comes true by the end of the day. So ever since, whenever I come across the horoscope part of magazines/papers I can't help but look at mine.
I read the prediction above a few days back. I can safely say, that the first part is true. Ever since high school, I never dared to make my heart vulnerable to anybody. That's why up til today I don't do major commitments.. I've dated a couple of times, that seasonal summer flings, and friends with benefits. But no official girlfriend commitment. That's why I'm so intrigued, would I actually let someone in? So right now I'm watching out on all charming girls I know.. >_< and we'll see.
_ _ _ _ _
So we we're at a friend's place, and there was this horoscope mag..
we all checked out what it said about us.
when I read mine aloud, It was darn accurate and (well) almost a perfect
biography of my personality. So they said like wow, It just stated your life.
blah blah.
They said that I might be a stereotype (one who follows a certain way or
something like that so they said) which I am not.
Truth be told, I was a bit offended.
So I just said (jokingly) my type is just so expected in the world..
blah blah.
I dunno what celestial meaning behind the stars that astrology/ numerology predicts pretty well our personalities but whatever it is, I guess we shouldn't rely too much on it.
Let's live our lives like the way we want it to be and not let some piece of paper dictate it for us.

You have a guard around your heart
that was erected long ago, and it's
holding up pretty well. However, a
certain charming someone will find
an opening and slide right in.
I was always intrigued by astrology. Every time I read mine on the newspaper or over the net, the prediction in a peculiar way comes true by the end of the day. So ever since, whenever I come across the horoscope part of magazines/papers I can't help but look at mine.
I read the prediction above a few days back. I can safely say, that the first part is true. Ever since high school, I never dared to make my heart vulnerable to anybody. That's why up til today I don't do major commitments.. I've dated a couple of times, that seasonal summer flings, and friends with benefits. But no official girlfriend commitment. That's why I'm so intrigued, would I actually let someone in? So right now I'm watching out on all charming girls I know.. >_< and we'll see.
_ _ _ _ _
So we we're at a friend's place, and there was this horoscope mag..
we all checked out what it said about us.
when I read mine aloud, It was darn accurate and (well) almost a perfect
biography of my personality. So they said like wow, It just stated your life.
blah blah.
They said that I might be a stereotype (one who follows a certain way or
something like that so they said) which I am not.
Truth be told, I was a bit offended.
So I just said (jokingly) my type is just so expected in the world..
blah blah.
I dunno what celestial meaning behind the stars that astrology/ numerology predicts pretty well our personalities but whatever it is, I guess we shouldn't rely too much on it.
Let's live our lives like the way we want it to be and not let some piece of paper dictate it for us.
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