Smoking and drinking are tough habits to pick up but once they are formed, they are even tougher to break(to those too weak to seek it). The same is true of great literature, which is, let's face it, Jim Beam for the brain.
If you read a lot of books, you're considered well-read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well-viewed.
Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.
I developed a liking to fantasy fiction maybe because, like in movies they take you to a whole new world.. but on a larger scale, because it's your imagination at work here. and due to the fact we had loads of 'em at home. >_<
Right now, I'm into reading Reader's Digest.. I got interested with true to life stories.. Some of 'em just got me inspired, some just really worth reading, and it also has fun facts about the comic reality of life and endeavors of real people.
Entertaining and enriching. Reading has a lot of perks when you're into it.
I remember back in high school.. I hate it when I am forced to read, just because we're required to make book reports. Now, I read because I want to. The irony of it all..
So before you hit start, hit the books first!
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