There have been countless of times when out of nowhere I just sung out loud. Weirdest one yet: One really good morning, Sun is shining bright & birds a chirping... I awoke from a peaceful slumber, and then suddenly I just sung “It’s my life... It’s now or never. I ain’t gonna live forever. I just wanna live while I’m alive. ” as I sit up the bed. Then when I sobered up, “whoa. What was that?”
One time when a friend got busted and he would just continuously apologize with his ex and fail in his attempts to make up. I was all like “You look so dumb right now... And the award for the best liar goes to you.” and we all went laughing that one out.
I was asking out a pretty cool though goodie goodie girl for an afternoon drink. In the process of persuading her: “Just one night couldn’t be so wrong... You make me want to lose control.” Then when she said yes, I went back to my friends tuning gallantly “I make ‘em good girls go bad..” That day was LEGEN... (Wait for it) DARY!
The night we we’re planning for a surprise debut, we were asked to do a song number. As I walk the dark road home, it hit me. Alone in that long quiet road, I started singing: “Say it again for me.. coz I love the way it feels when you are telling me that I’m the only one who blows your mind. Say it again..” Unfortunately they don’t share my sympathy for the song so they went with another.
When I usually get psyched I would go invite my friends to go play Rockband and we’ll all have an awesome time. Playing it, you don’t just need to hit/press the right keys but you also have a good ear for the music. I get a really peculiar sense of high when I do the vocals. It’s like we’re drowning in our awesomeness.. haha, so to speak.
So if adrenaline for others is getting pumped up physically, for nerds getting all worked out for an exam, and for Bella hallucinating about Edward.. Guess mine’s busting into song. Music is something that can unite people of different cliques & genres. A fellow enthusiast once said: “I love singing so much; I don’t see why I have to stop just because I’m bad at it.” I’m proud of her, that’s a really great attitude. “Share your passion with the world.”
“But maybe not with the WHOLE world”, she said. xp
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