We know as the world famous festival in munich, germany.. Where tens of thousand barrels of beer are served to guest who overestimate their ability to handle large amounts of alcohol. Everyone finds it as a good excuse to party and have fun. Here in the Philippines, we also celebrate such festivities. Yearly, the major brands of alcoholic beverages sponsor parties and drinking events to promote their said product and camaraderie among party people as well.
I am one of such people. This month, I find myself stretching myself too thin with all of the parties left & right that I'm invited to. What I did, I prioritized. (Which I had a very hard time to accomplish) I only went to the benefit parties. (not the usual norm party, but the ones whose beneficiaries are the victims of typhoons) So all of that kinda worked out well. We partied, enjoyed ourselves and at the same time helping (in our own way) the typhoon victims.
No offense to my party clique, I enjoy their company but I miss going out with my childhood friends. As I spend more time at home, I anticipate their presence and hopes we could plan a get together soon. Unfortunately not that soon, some are MIA (missing in action) and others are off with their families in their respected provinces. Now phoneless, I'm kinda socially-handicapped. I only have my online social networks and ym to rely to when receiving invites and news of my friends.
To cap off the month, we went to a Halloween Ball. It was awesome. We crashed with top to torn attire and the girls with slutty outfits.. (playboy bunnies, etc.) The storm didn't stop us, it actually helped us sober up after the party. Chelsy had the idea when she got wet outside. She started pulling us in the rain. (pardon me, I don't remember much of the details) Somehow we all ended up dancing in the rain. haha. That night was.. Legendary. So to speak.
Only wish that when I'm with my childhood friends, we could be as spontaneous.. Lot to look forward to this November. One of which is what-I-will-not-mention on the 17th, go figure haha.
I am one of such people. This month, I find myself stretching myself too thin with all of the parties left & right that I'm invited to. What I did, I prioritized. (Which I had a very hard time to accomplish) I only went to the benefit parties. (not the usual norm party, but the ones whose beneficiaries are the victims of typhoons) So all of that kinda worked out well. We partied, enjoyed ourselves and at the same time helping (in our own way) the typhoon victims.
No offense to my party clique, I enjoy their company but I miss going out with my childhood friends. As I spend more time at home, I anticipate their presence and hopes we could plan a get together soon. Unfortunately not that soon, some are MIA (missing in action) and others are off with their families in their respected provinces. Now phoneless, I'm kinda socially-handicapped. I only have my online social networks and ym to rely to when receiving invites and news of my friends.
To cap off the month, we went to a Halloween Ball. It was awesome. We crashed with top to torn attire and the girls with slutty outfits.. (playboy bunnies, etc.) The storm didn't stop us, it actually helped us sober up after the party. Chelsy had the idea when she got wet outside. She started pulling us in the rain. (pardon me, I don't remember much of the details) Somehow we all ended up dancing in the rain. haha. That night was.. Legendary. So to speak.
Only wish that when I'm with my childhood friends, we could be as spontaneous.. Lot to look forward to this November. One of which is what-I-will-not-mention on the 17th, go figure haha.
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