A year ago, a friend of mine who raises and sells bunnies saw my enthusiasm for 'em so she gave me one for Christmas. A perfect white and fluffy little cutie.. and since exactly a year ago just like this year, the twilight vibe is really buzzing around. So I named her Bella. As if by fate, she fitted in the group just perfectly. She hopped around school, got along well with everyone and we all had a good time when she's around. Probably what I miss most about her: every morning when my alarm would fail to wake me up for class, (as if she actually knows my sched) every time that happens, she finds her way into my room & hops into my belly. And every sunday, when I would take her outside in the garden, let her pick out leaves she wants to eat & just hop around. Then one unfortunate day, she just passed away.. Bless her spirit.
( a moment of silence)

~ catch the screening of New Moon on the 20th!
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