We keep such secrets because we don't don't want to hurt people, we're too embarrassed to admit it, or we just simply want to due to the fact you're not that comfortable with that particular person.
Bet you're accustomed to the cliche' saying: "what you don't know, won't hurt you." True enough, but it only makes us itch to know what the secret is more..
These past couple of weeks I've been nagging on some pals to be more open, but in a very hypocritical turn. I myself have one too many things I never tell 'em.
So until quite recently, I've been trying to go out of my usual shell of self-centeredness and try to fluster myself with optimism. And slowly, I am telling 'em one by one things that I'm not actually proud nor comfortable to talk about.
All I wanted was for us to be good enough friends so that we can talk about stuff, you know. Even if it's ugly.. especially then.
So now I'm starting to defy the norm gravity of my abyss-like personality, just take that chance, and jump off the edge.

I can say New Moon is.. AWE (wait for it) SOME. awesome.
For someone who read the books and watched Twilight, the second installment of the saga is pretty much loyal to the book. With just little changes made. So bravo on that account, and brava on the direction, quite better than the first one.
So having said the stuff above, it made watching the film quite predictable (of course) leaving only the curiosity factor. Which you wonder, how the film would be like (having read the books).
I think what I did last year with Twilight is better. I watched the film before reading the book. So that made me enjoy the film more without the disappointment. Then after reading the book, I watched it again. So thus filling me on the parts where I got clueless. I enjoyed the film nonetheless.
For those who haven't read the book, (or atleast the vast majority) their initial reaction to the film: "boring" coz they don't understand what's going on.
And one major downside with it all.. is the Jacob epidemic. Really, anywhere I turn they all go like "Jacob is this, Jacob is that".. They're all like a broken record out there. Annoying ring on the ear.
So anyway, the third installment: Eclipse.. Would be something we could all look forward to.
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