Looking at the mirror now, makes me see how much I've changed over the past year. I see myself anew, a shadow of what once was. I see triumphs and accomplishments. But I also see regrets and mistakes.. Decisions, If hadn't made, I wouldn't be the person I am now.
09 was an eventful year. Filled with unexpected twists & ironies. But most especially for our age group, debuts.. They have been a tradition in the Philippines, whenever a girl turns 18, a big party is thrown (technically) for the parents to introduce their daughter into the social society. But for the youth today, a good reason to suit up, shop, and party.
This year has also been tough, trials & challenges I faced, took their toll but I made it through. Making me a stronger person, able to face the stale reality of life. I learned a great deal, not just about myself,but also with the people around me and in so, having a more existential grasp over life.
2010 holds so much promise. But no matter how much we put ourselves into writing new year resolutions, it would all mean nothing if we wouldn't act ourselves upon 'em. A new year, a new start, a new you..