16 days to go.. So you better go find the time in the world to get me a gift. haha. I usually don't do this, making lists and all. Cause I don't want to assume, just ends up as a disappointment. But this year I've got a feeling, so why not.. there's no harm in trying right.
By the way, I was scrambling on some ol' files.. found this one bad (quality) pic of us from last year's pyro olympics.
To give you an idea, here's a list of what to give me for the occasion. Consisting of what I need and what I want. cherio..
1. my beloved w850i gets fixed and functional once more..
2. any sony ericsson phone.
3. tickets to Cats the musical.. what? I'm into musicals..
4. VIP passes for the paramore-live-in-manila show.. hell yeah!
5. All the soundtrack albums of One tree Hill!
6. new headphones ^_^
7. the bro code.. the book not a pdf file.. it would be awesome to have one.. >_<
8. a really loud alarm clock. duh
9. a comically large cereal box of fruit loops. :p
10. gallons of red paint. gotta push through with my bedroom-repainting plans sometime..
You know what to get me. Now drop by at your favorite outlet mall, and grab me something.. :)
haha.. you bet dude. thats actually pretty short list. if you were to as a girl bout it. now that would be long. what they need from friends, boyfriends, family, its nuts. you dont even wanna know.. :P.. i have an 850i. dont tell me you dropped it in water or something like that.. what happened to it?
yeah totally. mine guess just short circuited or something. won't work anymore but I still keep it as a token.
hey nice blog..visit my blog pls http://t-t-o-e.blogspot.com//
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