I'll run away with your footsteps, I'll build a city that dreams for two And if you lose yourself I will find you..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fail Sunday...

well let's see,, for three consecutive days basically the weekend, gigs are all fail. friday, I was suppose to meet my pals for a party in commonwealth = fail. saturday, I had swim class in the morning. awesome. took time to drip and stretch. afternoon had a tour guiding seminar. was suppose to meet my pals for a drink = fail. well sorta. only one came through which is well okay, had pizza and beer. came sunday morning, bit hungover on coffee. burned some movies I downloaded then watched with the family.. went to this lot we own at burol,taytay to check it out and had a family picnic. I was hopping to jog with pals = but fail. as usual no reply from the kids. well I guess being optimistic has its limits. all of this gig-advocacy thing I had going on is giving me a headache. >_<

what a stressful weekend.


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