Monday, December 6, 2010
Wishlist 2010..
1. Alarm clock.
I seriously need to sate the universal need to wake up early, one big solution to my tardiness. I guess the "always late" guy is so last season.
2. Coffee Mug.
yes. my ultimate guilty pleasure. coffee 24/7. it so got out of hand that I started taking these calcium pills to counteract the bad effects of too much caffeine. >_<
3. 2011 journal.
I was skeptical at those stuff last year, I mean with all the technology around I would never guessed that I would be needing to keep one for myself. busy geek me.
4. Messenger bag.
just my kind. It will be nice to have a new one, as opposed to what I'm currently using for like almost 3 years. Black knitted thing, that actually belonged to my mom.. ssshh.
5. Parker pen refill.
I've been using this cool parker pen for the past I dunno almost 4 years? I'm not exactly sure, but I feel its gonna start to run dry soon.
6. CAn of lysol spray.
This year, we got 3 new dogs. roaming all around the house. so if you could only imagine the stench every morning when I get up for school. +_+
7. any RPG cd.
well being the comic geek, I spend most of my time playing video games. but dont get me wrong I have a social life. lol.
8. any series dvd.
preferably bros & sisters season 3 and 4? just got cliff hanged with the family drama the other week and i'm on the edge on finding a copy myself but (to my surprise) I cant find the time.
9. a good old Novel.
I'm already on the 6th out of (so far) 12 books of the wheel of time series. I inherited the fantasy fiction mania from my brothers. >_<
a good holiday never goes without booze! specially if I'll be part of SMP.. samahang malamig ang pasko. lol.
so there you have it folks. 10 things this kid wants for christmas.. good hunting!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Good Ol' days..
Here I am, 7 o'clock in the morning, all dressed, ready to go and when I was about to head out I received a text saying my one and only morning class got cancelled. Dang it. I got so stressed out, I drank two cups of coffee and now high on caffeine waiting out by my cell for some darn good news of a miraculous last-minute gig or something.
I remember when I used to love having no classes, back in highschool waking up in a rainy morning and standing by the television waiting for an announcement of suspension. Then I would shout for joy then jump right back into bed. I miss that.
Yes, I know what I sound like these past few days.. Like some desperate, whiny house kid that complains and mopes alot. lol.>_< Just being realistic though, hopefully something interesting would come up soon. Some positive feedback would also help, if only.
Hey it's almost december. The family's not really into the "holiday" mood. All we got is the usual christmas tree that we own like since forever and just that traditional series of dinners with relatives. What I really look forward to every christmas season(no not just booze and lonely chicks) , is the food trip!
Every night I would go downtown and indulge in local delicacies like puto bungbong & bibingka. Then there's.. Breakfast Club with college pals, that's simbang gabi for us. I would wake up 4am every morning, grab a cab and meet up by Something Fishy at eastwood. Breakfast buffet then a couple of beers. After like 9 or something, we would play RockBand at katipunan then head out to class. It was awesome.
Ah the good ol' days. December 2010, what up?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Daily life is as always boring at the guadalupe manor.. I would usually wake up, drink coffee, go to school, go home, sleep, then the cycle starts all over again. I know the semester just started but I feel it's gonna be a long and empty one. I'm too broke to go out and gallavant all over the metro with my pals, I don't have internet access at home so that makes life sucks over here and well most of my school friends had trasferred to the higher ups so I cant help but feel exiled up here. This is what I do most of the time now, listen to music, brood over coffee while I write in my disfunctional laptop and when I get the chance I would update my blog.
The past couple of weeks, I've been trying to bury myself with academics but.. (bragging aside) I'm kinda unchallenged with the workload, I guess that's just expected being 1st year again technically. Usually by this time you'll find me in some ragtag bar and doing shots with blockmates or maybe roadtripping to some cool places. (yes with an awesome sense of pride) Despite all of that last sem, I had a 1.75 gpa. LOL. That's me, serious in academics and in partying. But this time around, I dunno. Things are still unraveling.
I just feel left-out you know, everybody else seems to be moving on. Most of my friends are already in their third year and some already graduating. Some of them would head out to work, find their passions and just live out their lives. Me, I'm still at the exact same place when I graduated high school 3 years ago. Still the same kid who's unsure of his place in the world.
Nope, I dont wanna drown myself in self pity and linger with the ghosts of my past. As I watch the sunset, all I can do is remain hopeful. Tomorrow will be another day. Life can be a bitch, you'll never know what will hit you and wether it's a good thing or a bad thing, that's up to you to decide. Risk it, that's what make life... well life.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
A month of hearts.. not!
The girl who left and took my heart.. just got back.
This sem, I dunno if its fate but we got seperated and we barely see each other anymore. I guess It'll be healthy to be away from the girl I loved because I know we can never be together, for she loves another. Yes, sounds like a scene from a teleserye. LOL. which practically my love life is right now.
and I'm not about to waste my last teen year chasing after someone who doesn't care about me.
"To get over someone, you need to get under someone."
I usually get that a lot. So I decided to go bar hopping all over the metro with a couple of friends the other night and all I can say is.. "bang bang bangidibang I say bang bang bang" LOL.
It will not be easy to forget her, but it will not be impossible either. Time works magic.
So I'll focus more on academics, maybe a little casual dating less drama and I'll try to reconnect with my HS friends. I miss 'em dearly, I remember the time when I was "the chain" that holds the group together. Somehow I just got tired of having my faith misplaced and gave up, but if there is something I learned over the years is that that they were the closest thing to a bestfriend I never had.. and that'll be something worth fighting for.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I think it was a good call, splitting the last installment into two parts. Practically all the dull moments was in part1 and ofcourse we can expect all the excitement & action in a bigbang conclusion in part2. Can't wait! >_<
Loved how they started part1, how they depicted Hermione bewitching her parents as she left home in the opening scene. Genious.
70% faithful to the book. nuff said.
A bit dissapointed with some scenes though, they could've improved on how they presented 'em. But I guess good nonetheless, close enough to the book as they can get. Unlike the past HP films, they didn't left out much scenes from this one.
Well I guess I'll be one of the thousands of HP fans that will be anticipating for the finale next year and I'm thinking of purchasing my own wand, bring it with me on the premiere and maybe duel with a fellow fan. LOL.
Monday, November 15, 2010
When I got to that part stated above, I seriously got chills. Deathly Hallows, the last installment of the Harry Potter series... My first hard-bound book purchased and now, the movie version is coming up and the entire manor reeks of anticipation. >_<
Already halfway through re-reading book 7 and by tradition, HP marathon! Started watching Sorcerer’s Stone up to Half Blood Prince… A movie a day till the big date. Still looking for a decent dvd-copy of Half Blood Prince though, got one I can borrow? Oh and since my bros are also HP geeks, they’re going to treat me with ‘em on the last full show this Friday. It’s gonna be awesome!
The countdown to the beginning of the end… well, begins. LOL
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sem Break...
but afterward.. I’m seriously gonna spend some time working on:
taking back my room (yes spring cleaning)
taking back my health ( due to insistent weight issues)
and taking back my self..
no more heartaches.
the break will be all about finding myself again if not re-inventing myself and start the second semester fresh, new, it’s the only way I’ll make it through. what? lol
*que in: ashes & wine - a fine frenzy..
Saturday, September 25, 2010
new kid who sang billionaire too..
I played this hot rich guy that's been buzzed on by fan-girls.. (ok obviously not true-to-life) lol.
I had two major roles.. I had to model around in tune with “nothing on you”.. then kinda lip-sync “billionaire” while walking around the stage.
On stage, we all felt psyched, nervous, and anxious.. all at the same time.. I'll call it a "glee high" lol. But all in all we had a good time. It reminded me of how I liked the theater.
days later, kidss around the campus started addressing me as “kuya billionaire” in classes and around the corridors.. >_<
(pics to follow?) soon.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
bloody sunday,,
I woke up this morning rolling off the wrong side of the bed, literally. I hated waking up at 7am. As usual I’ve been my tardy self; call time is 7:30 I got there by 8, a bad habit that I’ll never be rid off. In my last school, NSTP is spent at a classroom and the only culminating activity is a tree planting activity at some province. But at this one, NSTP is at the gym and we’re not just one class, we are joined by the entire first year batch from the different college departments. When we got off, I hung out with my block mates to the “Warehouse” for a drink. It’s this hidden warehouse-like place a couple of blocks from school, where kids can indulge in binge drinking, play pool, karaoke, or just getaway and chill. Afterwards we headed to a block mate’s house to booze more and hangout.
It’s times like these when we make new friends and create memories. Times that I wish I could have with my old friends. I can’t help but miss them, I never get see them anymore these days. I guess we all just have different lives to live now, we’re all busy with school and because I’m phoneless & no internet I don’t have any communication with them too. All I can do now is just look at the murals that we made in my room, listen to our road mix and remember the good times. Wherever they are I hope they’re doing awesome… and know that this bard is singing for them.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Testing the waters..
First week at a new school, its July the 4th week of the semester. Being a late enrollee has its pros and cons. Well I get to be the cool guy who walks in class late and gets to be excused from the past work he missed. People just can’t get enough of the typical boy-next-door look and can’t help but introduce themselves. Though after a while the special attention subsides, just like a honeymoon phase. Downside, people already know each other and I have to go out of my way just to learn the ropes of my new school.
This week was all about getting to know my block mates; I hung out and befriended the many personalities that consists my block section. There’s the typical party crowd, boozing and happy go lucky kids. Then the geeks, hard working kids that study every lecture down to each syllable. And so on… the universal status quo.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
much to school
“pano maaalala ng puso ko kung hindi maalala ng isip ko.”
So who watches Rubi? My life right now is pretty much like a roller coaster. One can say my situation is similar to Alejandro, (portrayed by Jake Cuenca). Not about his heartache with the antagonizing protagonist; Rubi (portrayed by Angelica Panganiban) but more about his family… more specifically the sickness that hit his mother.
So anyway.. I’m going back to school.
But there are two conditions: First, I’ll be attending my childhood school which is literally in front of our house and second, I gotta take a medical course.
Pretty much against my will, but I got no choice.
bummer. so much for
Saturday, April 24, 2010
how do you keep a girl from becoming your girlfriend?
the rules with girls are the same with gremlins..
1. never get them wet.
~don’t let her take a shower at your place.
2. keep them away from sunlight.
~don’t ever see them during the day.
3. never feed them after midnight.
~she doesn’t sleep over and you don’t have breakfast with you.. ever.
-Barney Stinson (how I met your mother)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
selective amnesia..

~ oh yeah. The vamp diaries, the series I can't help but watch. I dunno, I'm just drawn to it. I might add the novel series to my summer reading list.
Sunday, April 11, 2010

prior to experiences..
First = Ikaw nga, south border
Humiliation = Go the distance, (hercules theme)
Highschool = I'm just a kid, simple plan
Prom = Miserable at best, mayday parade
Breakup = Where I stood, missy higgins
sober = you found me, matt girau
It's not you, its me = stay away, the honorary title
graduation = always love, nada surf
Lonely = Come undone,jackson waters
Hoping = follow through, gavin degraw
struggle = the climb, miley cyrus
finding myself = you, switchfoot
birthday = 23, jimmy eat world
Summer = Quicksand, bethany joy galeotti
Crushing = say it again, marie digby
a bit of romance = true, ryan cabrera
college = the freshmen, the verve pipe
reputation = false pretense, red jumpsuit apparatus
in love = fall for you, secondhand serenade
date = today was a fairytale, taylor swift
hook up = she will beloved, maroon 5
inspiration = live like were dying, kris allen
life = never say never, the fray
If my life is a movie, this might be the soundtrack.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
road mix..
1.Brick by boring brick - paramore
2.Disenchanted - my chemical romance
3.First time - lifehouse
4.Follow through - gavin degraw
5.Full moon - black ghosts
6.Havent met you yet - michael buble
7.I miss you - incubus
8.If we ever meet again - timbaland ft. katy perry
9.Lay me down - the wreckers
10.Let's just fall in love again - jason castro
11.Live like we're dying - kris allen
12.Must get out - maroon 5
13.Quicksand - bathany joy galeotti
14.Stay away - the honorary title
15.The take over, The break's over - fall out boy
16.Vacation - simple plan
17.Watcha say - jason derulo
18.You Found me - matt giraud
we're all set for summer!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
natural preppy..
Sunday, March 14, 2010
friends, lovers, or nothing..
Last year, a friend gave me one and until now I still listen to it. Music can be an unbreakable pillar on life. Something we turn to and sometimes even rely on. So I decided to make one for my friends.
Here's what in it:
1.Come undone (acoustic version) - jackson waters
2.Crazier - taylor swift
3. Defying gravity - glee cast
4. Flightless bird, american mouth - iron & wine
5. Heartbeats - jose gonzalez
6. Honestly - bethany joy lenz
7. Irvine - Kelly clarkson
8. Kindly unspoken - kate voegele
9. Never say never - the fray
10. Quicksand - bethany joy galeotti
11. Sana Ako'y marinig - zoe sandejas
12. Say it again - marie digby
13. Taking chances - glee cast
14. The call - regina spektor
15. True - ryan cabrera
16. Where I stood - missy higgins
17. Your call - secondhand serenade
18. You're breautiful - james blunt
Yes, with matching cover art. Which is badly edited might I add. Why "friends, lovers, or nothing"? I'm not entirely sure myself.. With all the mixed feelings and just that sense of inspiration, it just poofed out of my mind.
Distributed by my (still) fictional label: Red Gate Records.. All came out fine, but with limited funds I was only able to give out a few copies to my girl- friends.
Months later, I still find refuge on my CD. A light out on the bickering dark. I could only hope that it does the same for my friends. I'm listening to it right now, looking for that same feeling of fate and inspiration when I was making it for my friends.
Friday, March 12, 2010
let's go to the movies!
yes. I'm a fan of the series..
Last movie I saw was, Alice in Wonderland. pretty awesome. more like a sequel, set years after alice first visited wonderland.. all in all, they did a good job.
Greek mythology is back.. Saw Percy Jackson & the lightning thief. awesome. next to look out for is Clash of the titans..
not to mention Prince of Persia: sands of time.. yes I played the video game series.
oh and by the way, I was hoping to watch Remember Me with this friend of mine. I'll keep hoping that would push through.
Let's go to the movies!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Night came so swiftly, I find myself rushing to marikina for a friend's birthday party. I took a jeep til panorama (the only place in the area I'm familiar with because a college pal lives near there). Then walked a few miles looking for the right street of the venue. I got lost for a bit but after a while, I finally arrived. You know the rest.. "shots shots shots!" we all had an awesome time.
Sunday, I ran late for a breakfast club meeting with friends at the fort. We had some common friends that were participating at the Century tuna superbods run- thingy. so we came to chill and support them. Then the rest of the day was all about health and fitness, which is cool. you know, maintaining a fit and awesome body is important too. so to speak, lol.
Monday, holiday. no classes for the kids. Spent the better part of the day at home. caring for the pups & fish, chilling at the garden, playing with nephews and just being the cool couch potato that I am. haha! no, I burrowed the 10th book of the wheel of time series from my brother and now I'm starting to read it. I just feel without, when I don't have a fiction book to read. Evening came and my bro took a split second decision and invited the entire family to watch the lightning thief, which was awesome you guys should check it out.
yes, I'm spontaneously blogging. >_< maybe a kickback from having no net access at home lately explains it. I have a good feeling It'll blow over soon, my bro kinda mentioned he'll grab a new hardrive for my laptop.. and maybe he'll throw in a phone too (I wish!) lol.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Family Guy..

As a statement, I decided to let my hair loose. (I mean, not have a haircut) And when I have no plans to go out, I tend to skip shaving.. Making me have that scruffy yet boy next door-type of look. Not to mention the annoying remarks of some relatives that I look like that guji person from abs-cbn and that constant appraise that I should just enter showbiz. I would always answer: "why not." but with it, a hint of uncertainty.
After the peaceful day set with the sun, night plans start to stir. I would usually go out and chill somewhere, but if not I would simply dine in with my mum and enjoy a good movie at home. Though there are times I'm required* to attend some family-related events.. So I would just fulfill my social obligations even if it gets in the way of my night life. >_<
This upcoming weekend holds just another awesome pretense. Once again I gotta venture to the unknown to join in with some pals to party and greet a friend happy birthday. Though phoneless and no Idea where to, nothing will stop me from reaching my destination. Pity though, some friends don't want to hang out just because I'm a hard person to pinpoint (being phoneless and all) which I find the lack of faith, offensive. I guess in these times, we'll get to know one's real friends.
Monday, February 15, 2010
That Day was A FairyTale..

Ofcourse valentines will not be without the flowers, chocolates.. and as an awesome bonus ,tikoy. (kung hei fat choi!) So how did I spent valentines? I guess the last few days count as a pre-valentines gig.. I hung out with a new friend around UP, had a couple of shots at katipunan then played rockband.. awesome. The next day, we watched this new movie: valentine's day at gateway. Together with pals, we all had a good time.
Saturday came and I just spent it with relatives and ballroom parties. I made sure I'm done with all the formalities that day so I've got sunday to myself. Valentines day came, I greeted my mum and had a magical morning. In the afternoon I went to eastwood for this sweets festival, free tastes and all.. (yes I have a huge sweet tooth) Valentines was all over the place.. You can see it in the people you greet, You can smell it in the air.
Being single didn't even made a difference in this special day of hearts. If anything, it made me appreciate the day more. You can feel the love around, and you can even share yours around. haha! As the day came to an end, as a tradition to myself: I had a celebratory glass of wine in salute of an awesome holiday. All in all, a great valentine weekend just filled with love.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lookin at the hand of the time we’ve been given here
This is all we got and we gotta start pickin it
Every second counts on a clock that’s tickin’
Gotta live like we’re dying"
I just go like whoaa. But sometimes it just get to me, the things you can't think through the blur will start to feel clear, problems seem to wash away, the sun looks brighter as I walk by katipunan and music in heart I just can't help but smile. Then I start to have a very good day and it just keeps better.
Happiness. A feeling I'm just starting to acquaint myself with. But despite the happy-go-lucky life in the metro and some good show tunes, an empty void clots through the system that only the company of friends can fill.
Friday, January 29, 2010

Some would find that habit of mine very hustle but hey, upside I get to enjoy the cool wind outside, get to grab some awesome coffee at starbucks and guilty fries at mcdo. Thus proving a pal's theory that I tend to get optimistic sometimes. What really sucks though, is losing all the files and programs. Specially my beloved music, I'll be damned for losing hundreds of songs I handpicked & downloaded over the months.. now I'm back to ol' & reliable radio and mix cd's.
So what I'm busying myself about.. I'm working on some papers at town hall for the small business start up that my aunt will finance for me. So far.. filing papers in different offices and gathering requirements is a b!tch but I guess it'll all be worth it once the place is up and running. So I grew fond with my mum's praise in how I keep my social life out & about despite being phoneless & just recently, internet-less (again). All I came to say was: "Hey, Look at me." LOL.
Promising weekend ahead. Advocacy events up, parties and benefit movie at eastwood. see you around kidss!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
where I stood..
Coffee. One of my Liked- drinks, have it every brunch and sometimes even midnight. Then again, being fit conscious made myself to believe that it's toxic. So for months now, I've been caffeine free. But one of the re precautions I noticed: I was less productive without it. I used to write and scribble around, not much of a work but I play around with a lot of ideas. A bum of a work ethic, they called. So now I'm starting to fall to the temptations of caffeine again, and now I'm starting to balance out it all.
These past few days I've been having nights of "harmless fun". Taking on the metro like there's no tomorrow. But more to what I can admit, it's all a camouflage. In truth I've been jealous. I'm jealous of the people around me waking up in the morning and goes to work and school. I miss the morning rush and working up late. So I guess I've been trying to make myself not to think and just go out, live like we're dying. Despite how much I deny myself missing the people close to me, I really do and all I can do is watch & be happy for 'em.